thank you again…

September 19, 2007 at 10:07 pm (Uncategorized)

            “Where should I begin?”

I said this to Hobgoblin the other day when he was trying to help me. Even though I continued to assure him that everything was fine, yes – everything was fine, the truth was and still is — that nothing is fine.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me — all I know is that it’s becoming more difficult to focus on reading and school. I just think about too many things, and I sometimes I wonder why I just don’t give up. For a long time, I was able to separate my school life and my home life, but now the lines are blurring and I feel as though I don’t know myself at all. When I talk to my mom, I just want to cry. When I hear my brother’s sad voice, I want to do the same. I think it’s because I miss them. I miss the intricate circle that we had formed over the summer.  I miss pizza on Friday’s. I miss reading while my mom cooked dinner. I miss their infectious laughter. I miss my sister and our stupid jokes that only she and I understood. But mostly, I miss me. ***         

I remember standing outside, under a majestic bright blue sky that I just wanted to fall into and never come back, never put my feet back on the lowly ground. Hobgoblin asked me what I wanted to do, what I saw myself doing ten years from now. I knew the answer before he asked it. I saw myself in front of the classroom, with a piece of chalk in hand.

What do you want to do? He asked and I wouldn’t, I couldn’t – look him in the eyes; I find myself reluctant to look within the eyes of anyone and I’m not sure why. Perhaps, I don’t want them to see what’s there. I am afraid that I will scare them and then they would run far away and never return.

“I want to do something with people — I want to do something…” For some reason I couldn’t say what I wanted to do. I had it there, lying so close to my heart and yet I was unable to say it. I wanted to talk, but I found no words. But — I finally managed to say I wanted to teach. I knew he must have smiled then, though my eyes were plastered to the September sky. I could feel the cool wind against my cheek and I could hear the warm, resonant melody of the trees. As I stood there, I wished time and time again that I could write something in the sky.  

I said some things that I had been holding in for too long and I felt a lot better. My father no longer believed in me, but he did. Someone else believed. ***

Hobgoblin listened, and how nice it was – how nice it was — to have someone listen! Anyway, Thanks, Hobgoblin.    


  1. hobgoblin said,

    Of course. That’s what I’m here for. I’m always ready when you need to talk.

  2. Dorothy W. said,

    Don’t give up, don’t give up, don’t give up!! This difficult time will pass.

  3. hepzibah said,

    Thanks hobgoblin and dorothy — my two favorite people 🙂

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